
Archive for the ‘knitting’ Category

Knitting is not my main hobby, but sometimes it can be a very relaxing way to spend time. My dil was hoping for some cute hats for Everley.  Thus far, the only hat I have knitted for her was the preemie hat she wore in the hospital.  So, while I was visiting I managed to make a few. I took my huge bag of cotton yarns with me, along with my travel tin of knitting essentials.  Here are a couple of new ones I made last week.  That is my son’s hand hello-ing me in the picture.  He told me to re-take the photo, but I-with my infinite wisdom, was convinced I took the picture before he stuck his hand in there!

For this hat, I used the measurements between a preemie hat and a newborn.  The preemie size called for 45 stitches ( for a 5 – 7 lb. baby) and the newborn was 64.  I compromised and used 56.  This head chart I found online was very helpful. Once you are on the page, look under General Hats and then click on head size chart.  You will be able to download a very useful chart.   Everley is over 6 pounds now…so that is how I determined my cast on stitches.  I had my computer with me in Georgia, but not all my knitting patterns, so I googled a bit and came up with this pattern which I was able to use for the green leaves at the top.

Here is another hat, which I made into a newborn size so that Evie might be able to use it into the late summer/early fall.  I did not have any instructions for a flower of any kind and found this one along with crochet directions for a .

They are both sitting on the kitchen counter where I used a spray bottle filled with water to mist the cotton.  They are both stuffed with paper towels to help keep their shape.  Evie seems to have lots of pink clothes, so I thought this color combo could be useful. 

I also finished knitting an upside down daisy hat, but I left it with Kim to finish.  I don’t know why, but I hate -hate -detest -lothe…hand sewing knitted things.  I can’t stand to weave in all those ends (like this hat above…color changes…flowers…UGH!)  Kim was happy to have the hat, so she offered to do those tedious tasks as long as I did the knitting.  I was very happy.  If she finishes it and sends a picture, I will post it.

Thanks for visiting,

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I wanted to share my most recent swap with you.  I was fortunate enough to make it through the lottery for the Doll Quilt Swap #10.  Thus far, I have participated in # 9 & 10.   This is a big swap on flickr.  These quilters take their doll quilts and their swapping seriously.  The talent and creativity are unbelievable. 

I received this awesome quilt from Handmade retro all the way from Australia.  Everything about it is hand done.  After receiving it, I went and visited her blog to read about it.  It is so much more beautiful in person.  I am a big fan of Anna Maria Horner and mentioned it in the initial questionnaire.  Both sides of this quilt are equally fabulous…I really love it.  Can’t wait to hang it in my studio.  Knowing that I am busy making things for the girls, she also sent along this super cute book with all kinds of stuffed creatures.  There were also some buttons, but I had already stashed them by the time the sun can out.  Thanks retromama!

As for the quilt I made…I really have to push myself  in this swap.  Not only are the people talented, but they are always online commenting, joking and exchanging ideas.  I had been stuck on a specific idea for round ten which revolved around my cake plate from Christmas.  I tried-twice, to get an appliqué to come out like the design on my cake plate…but no go. 

The strands I wanted were too thin and it was just too difficult for me to accomplish the task.  Perhaps a master appliquest (is that a word??) could have been successful.  Anyhoo…I have this book called Pretty Little Mini Quilts from Lark Books and as I thought about my partner, who lives on a large piece of property in a place much colder than NC…I made the decision to do a  version of a quilt about Spring from the book.   This was my first time using the blanket stitch on my Bernie 820.  I really liked the stitch, but I need to work a bit more on the curves and knotting at the start and finish.  I thought I was using the feature on the machine, but it seemed like a few were not as secure as I wanted.  Will have to work on that (note to self).  Here are some pics. 

One of the requirements is to label your quilt.  So I used the lettering capability on my new machine.  This is something I hadn’t done before and it was easier than I thought.  I placed one of my new small labels under my name.  Another aspect to virtual swapping is extra goodies in the package.  I like to include things that I see either out shopping or things I have around the studio which remind me of the partner I have been stalking.  This partner is a quilter as well as a knitter.  The fat quarters and scraps will be so perfect for her (can’t say more until she gets her package).  I haven’t knitted in quite a while and I have – too much yarn, so I thought I would share some.  : )  Hope she likes it!

Thanks for visiting,

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I’ve signed up for a Pay it Forward with Beth.

1. I will make a little something for the first THREE people who comment on this post with PIF in their comments. It will be a surprise and it will arrive on your doorstep when you least expect it!

2. I will have 365 days to do it in. What’s the catch? To get a handmade present from me, you have to play too. This means YOU pledge to send a little handmade something to THREE readers of your blog. It doesn’t have to be quilty – just handmade.

3. You must have a blog.

4. Once you comment here, you must post about your Pay It Forward on your blog to keep the fun going, with the Pay It Forward badge.

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Getting Started

I recently became interested in quilting and while shopping for patterns and fabrics, I was introduced to all the wonderful fabrics quilt shops have to offer.  I realized that this is where all the beautiful designer fabrics have been hiding.  So, as I began investigating  designers, fabrics and manufacturers on the internet , I also began visiting the many sewing blogs and decided to have a place of my own so that I could share my projects.

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